Why patience is a virtue with crowdfunding

Someone has probably told you at some point that patience is a virtue and this virtue is something that is disappearing from today’s culture of instant gratification. For anyone who has started a business you know that you don’t start out with hundreds or thousands of clients or customers right off of the bat. It […]

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What is crowdfunding?

Great ideas come from all corners of our country and the globe. Great ideas do not know race, gender or sexual preference. Unfortunately not every great idea has the capital to get it off the ground. History is full of examples of great inventors or businessmen getting their starting capital from friends and family but […]

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The #1 innovator of the Internet

We all use the Internet everyday for a variety of reasons. Many of the innovations that we take for granted when we use them online come from one industry. Are you sitting down? Good. Many of those innovations come from the adult pornographic industry. The military created the Internet but once it began to reach […]

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Hot tech items for the holidays

The holidays are nearly upon us and as always tech items are in demand. So if you are not sure what is hot and what is not here are some ideas to help you out. Some of what is popular should be no surprise. Assistants like Alexa and the Amazon Echo are in demand. Gaming […]

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Is wearable tech worth the hype?

Wearable tech exploded on the scene in the past few years. You probably know someone who uses it for one thing or another and some of them are among the hot holiday items. Some though consider it a fad. What is its future? Wearable tech has a myriad of uses. It’s most common application is […]

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Protect your wi-fi!

Do you enjoy providing free Internet to your neighbors? Probably not. Well, you might be doing just that. You also would not give out your passwords either but if you leave your wi-fi open and never change the default password you may be doing just that. We’ll help you out here so that you can […]

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Russian hackers

Russia. It’s name conjures images in your head of a vast, cold, and somewhat backwards nation. It’s also a name that has been in the news a lot over the past year. A nation that is seemingly years behind in technical skills and that cuts corners to keep things in working order but yet has […]

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What is cyberbullying?

Bullies come in all shapes a sizes. Think back to your school days. Chances are the bullies there were a bit bigger and stronger than you. You might have lost your lunch money a few times or been embarrassed a few times but that was the extent of it. Bullying is a serious issue today, […]

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Deep Web vs. Dark Web

Two terms that get thrown about to describe parts of the Internet not accessible to the average person are Deep Web and Dark Web. Some people use the terms interchangeably but they are two separate entities and one of them is used by just about everyone on the Internet. The term Dark Web came to […]

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Keeping your kids safe on Social Media

As a parent you want to what is best for you child. You want to protect them from all of the evil in the world for as long as you can. One viewing of the local or national news is enough to motivate you after all. But there is going to come a time when […]

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