Robots could be bringing manufacturing jobs back to the US

Much was made during the late election about bringing jobs back to the United States from abroad. We need a strong manufacturing base and the jobs that it would bring to help put Americans back to work and to make America great (again). It may actually be happening, but not quite in the manner in […]

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Is your computer screen killing your eyes?

We spend a lot of time staring at a screen. At work, at play and seemingly all times in between. Our eyes are glued to our screens, whether it is a television, a laptop or a smartphone. Obviously there are certain social issues that come with this and just as important there are physical issues […]

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Walmart is setting out to make shopping easier

Drones can do a lot and their potential is just being revealed. Drones, like the one that we have at Nicely Done Sites have, are good for photography or for just passing time but ever more increasingly drones are doing more and more meaningful work. Walmart is about to take this to the next level. […]

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Why are they called trolls?

There are a handful of constants in the Internet when it comes to a message board or comments section. There will inevitably be the person who made $100,000 working from home last year that pops in to promote their pyramid scam, there will be the people who have no idea what is going on but […]

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Drones will soon be lifesavers

If you have been in to the Nicely Done Sites World HQ you have probably seen our drone. Drones are doing amazing things from photography to delivering packages to giving emergency services an extra set of eyes after a disaster. They have helped to keep people out of harm’s way and have certainly saved lives […]

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Gmail to be redesigned

User privacy is becoming increasingly important in today’s digital age. Data mining and information sharing has come to the forefront in recent weeks regarding Cambridge Analytica and Facebook and has brought user privacy into the limelight. This covers anything from Facebook to Twitter to email clients like Gmail and has caught the attention of lawmakers […]

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Government workers in South Korea told to go home

People say a lot of things about the government and very little of it is flattering. For many of those people they believe that the only thing the government is good at is spending money and squeezing the tax base for more. Of course it is not just the Federal government that is guilty of […]

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The power of social media

Social media companies like Twitter and Facebook have taken a hit in the past few months. Facebook’s stock has been tumbling due to privacy concerns and its leaders are about to be brought before Congress here in the US and possibly Parliament in the UK. Throw in political censorship charges leading to a loss of […]

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Is buying refurbished tech worth it?

There is a certain stigma that comes with the phrase refurbished item. I can tell you as a former tech support agent for Apple that there was a lot of resistance when someone was told that they would get a refurbished product when they sent it in. Some of it got downright heated. But here’s […]

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A smartwatch with a projector?

Could your hand become a computer screen? Yes it can. A smartwatch prototype from the Chinese tech company Haier known as the Asu went on display at the Mobile World Congress 2018 in Barcelona, Spain. It is not sleek or stylish and is one of the few tech pieces that gets larger rather than smaller. […]

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