Best Practices For Online Feedback

When you are looking for a place to do business with or a product to buy, what is the first thing that you look at? Many look at the online feedback, reviews and testimonials. Not only are these helpful for the customer, but they can also be helpful for the company as well! It can […]

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Security Lessons from Jeff Bezos

Jeff Bezos has been in the news lately and its been for all of the wrong reasons. One is the decision to terminate Amazon’s HQ2 in New York City and the fallout that comes from that but that seems to be blowing over. The other is a recent case of alleged extortion from the tabloid […]

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Devin Nunes Sues Twitter

Being a politician may look easy and many Americans certainly feel like their representatives should spend more time representing them and less time raising money or schmoozing with lobbyists. Social media is a popular place to discuss this and in many cases to insult them, from the President of the United States all the way […]

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How To Save File Space With a Personal Blog Site

Do you have a personal blog site or portfolio site? You might and Nicely Done hosts several of them. These sites can be a great way to share your interests with family and friends (and the world) or prospective employers or clients. When it started out the amount of file space that was available seemed […]

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How Can I Make The Best Headline For A Blog Post To Grab A Reader’s Attention?

What is the best way to attract a reader to content? The headline. This has been true as long as print articles have been vying for people’s attention. Careers have been made as headline writers and those people are still are some of the most important people around as the news world fights for reader’s […]

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The Smart Jersey

Everything today has the term smart in front of it nowadays. Smart phones, smart watches, smart cars, smart appliances and the list goes on and on and on. But there has been one thing that has managed to avoid going from dumb to smart and most people have been happy about that. It is the […]

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Do We Read Too Much Into Social Media?

Sometimes we can read too much into what goes on on social media. We’ve all been there. Is that Facebook post from an acquaintance trying to subliminally say something? Is your girlfriend using code with someone on Twitter? Is your favorite sports team hinting at something on Instagram? These people know this as well and […]

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What Works Best For Blog Content?

Writing Blog Content can do wonders for your website. It can dramatically help to boost your SEO rankings making your website easier to find amongst all of the other websites on the World Wide Web. It can also provide engagement for your customers or readers to help keep them coming back to your website and […]

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Happy 30th To The World Wide Web!

Did you know that tomorrow the Internet turns 30? It does. 30 years ago in 1989 a 34 year old British computer scientist working at CERN in Switzerland proposed a system called hyperlinks to allow the sharing of information via computer. Tim Berners-Lee certainly did not imagine what this innovation would become and how it […]

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Could Net Neutrality Be Saved And Does It Need Saving?

This Week Congress introduced the Save the Internet Act of 2019. The goal of the bill is to restore principles and guidelines of net neutrality that were controversially repealed in December 2017. At the time a majority of Americans, including both Democrats and Republicans opposed the move, fearing that ISPs would be free to throttle […]

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