A Look At GDPR One Year In

A little over a year ago the European Union’s sweeping GDPR regulations were released. For some these laws were a sweeping victory for copyright holders in the war against Internet privacy. For others it threatened to take the fun out of the Internet by killing memes and throw it into pandemonium with billions of dollars […]

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Is Regulation Coming To Social Media?

Many of you reading this are on social media, you might even be reading this through social media. Many of you have pages for your business on a social media platform or two. You may have noticed that the tenor of social media has changed in the past few years. People have gotten nastier and […]

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What Do The Different Web Domains Mean?

Did you ever wonder what a top level domain means? You know what the HTTP and the WWW mean but what about the .com or .org? It is a common question and there are actually a lot of options to choose from. Which one you pick can determine how much a website can cost and […]

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Why Is Your Hard Drive Always C?

Chances are at some point you have pulled up the screen that shows your hard drives and all of the other connected devices. You have also probably noticed that your computer’s main hard drive is labeled as C, but yet there is no A or B. Why is that exactly? It Wasn’t Always This Way […]

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Celebrating LGBTQ Pride Month

June is the start of summer, but it is also the start of Pride month. For those who don’t know, Pride is a month long celebration for the LGBTQ community in honor of the 1969 Stonewall Riots, an event that is said to be the main turning-point for the gay rights movement. It consists of […]

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Prepping For York Robothon With Nicely Done Sites

Recently Freelance York and Nicely Done Sites hosted a robotics event in partnership with local robotics leader York Exponential, who provided one of their collaborative robots as well as robot tech Daniel Heckert. Heckert is one of the primary organizers of the upcoming York Robothon program, which this event was preparing for. The York Robothon […]

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So What’s The Deal With IPv6?

In 1998 the Internet Engineering Task Force recognized that a critical component of the Internet was likely to run out one day. At the time the number of IP addresses available was approximately 4.3 billion different addresses which was thought to be plenty. Today though with the Internet of Things and people owning multiple devices […]

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Is Cable A Dying Industry?

There was a time when there were only a handful of channels available on television. In this time of yore people did other things to pass the time like read a book, work, have a hobby or go outside. Those times have changed and one of the primary causes of this is facing serious challenges […]

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Cyber Security, The Internet Of Things And The Government

In the past decade the Internet of Things has exploded. Cars, your refrigerator, your thermostat and even your vacuum cleaner have been connected to the Internet. It seems like nearly anything can be connected to the Internet nowadays making for an incredibly convenient life. Unfortunately what has been neglected for these devices in many cases […]

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Could AI Be The Next Great Musician?

What it means to be human is being taken away from us humans. AI has been taking our jobs for years now, from everything from flipping burgers to farming but there has always been one area that has seemingly been able to avoid AI infringing on it and that is the realm of the artist. […]

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