An Unmanned Ship To Retrace The Route Of The Mayflower

We hope that you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving, whether you are reading this while taking a break from shopping or are just relaxing on a day off. Of course you know the story behind Thanksgiving and it starts with the Puritans fleeing Europe and making the dangerous journey across the Atlantic Ocean on the Mayflower […]

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The Trans-Atlantic Telegraph Cable: One Of The Great Achievements Of Mankind

Thanksgiving is here and we do have a lot to be thankful for. Our lives are easier today then they have ever been in the past and we have access to information and technology that would have made our ancestors’ heads spin. While that may not always be a good thing we’ve come a long […]

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Could Brain-To-Brain Communication Be Possible?

Our brains are amazing things. Everything that we have today has come because of the human brain. Our cars, our computers our entertainment and everything else and in something that has only been the realm of science fiction it may now be possible to communicate directly between brains.  Science Fiction Lifeforms that have become brains […]

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Using The Hashtag On Social Media

We explored what the hashtag is in our last post. Since their primary use comes with social media it is important to know some do’s and don’ts when it comes to their usage. Proper usage can be the difference between excelling with them and wasting your time. When it comes to hashtags, not all social […]

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What Can Hashtags Do For You?

Undoubtedly you have seen someone on social media use hashtags at some point. If you haven’t just follow Nicely Done Sites or its grand poobah David Brooks and you will. You may have embraced their usage or you may not have. Like with many things they are a great way to promote you or your […]

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Could Multi-Factor Authentication Already Be Broken

With so much of your life being on the Internet your security there is more important than ever. We’ve recently profiled the rise of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and how it has helped to take a bite out of crime but it seems that criminals have found a way to break it. It just highlights how […]

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Can Russia Disconnect Itself From The Internet?

It’s been in the news recently that Russia is going to disconnect itself from the Internet and create its own. You may find this humorous, you may find this downright Orwellian. Is something like this really feasible? And how will it affect you? The Law On November 1 a law went into effect in Russia […]

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Where is the Most Important City On The Web?

When it comes to the Internet what is the most important place in the world? Is it San Francisco? New York? London? Tokyo? If you guessed any of those it is certainly understandable but it is not. The most important city on the Internet is closer to Nicely Done Sites than you think and you […]

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