There is an easy way to get your business in front of the right eyes on social media. Sure having a social media presence can get your message out and people will see it but will they really truly see it? Probably not, so why not create a Facebook group to get your message in front of people that really want to see it?
One billion users and growing
Creating a Facebook group is easy and free. You might already be a part of one and in that you are not alone as over one billion people worldwide are a member of a Facebook group, around half of the users of the platform. When content is posted to these groups the Facebook algorithm prioritizes it for members. These groups provide a closed environment for customers, fans or whatever to interact with a business owner or to just bring like minded people together.
Why create a Facebook group?
Anyone can like the page of a business and they will see the content that is put up. That does not mean it is getting in front of the people who you want to see it. It’s kind of like advertising on the radio or TV, the message goes out to everyone and the hope is that someone that is interested will be listening. Facebook groups help you to narrow that down to people who you want to target.
Most groups revolve around the posting or sharing of public content. This can be a great way to make people or your specific demographic aware of a product or service that you offer or to get feedback about those same products or services in a place where the general public cannot see it. You could be trialing a new service and have made it available for members of the group to try first and their feedback could help to make the service better or more efficient. If it is positive others may try it and that will lead to positive reviews for you.
What a Facebook group can do for your business
A business owner can also offer group only deals and offer membership as a reward for loyal customers, just don’t do too much promotion as it can turn off some people. If your customers want constant advertising they can turn on the TV after all. Membership has its rewards and this can help to build stronger relationships with them.
Groups can also help to encourage returning customers or to prevent returns. If your group is active a customer who bought something and has a question can ask it there. They might be using something the wrong way and that can be straightened out in minutes rather than having them return the product. This helps your customers know that you are there for them if they have questions. FAQ documents or manuals can also be shared with the group and feedback from here can be used to improve a product or point out any hard to understand components.
Your customers can do some of the work for you
This also opens up its own set of new responsibilities as well so make sure that you have the time to commit to this. Keeping content fresh and engagement constant is necessary to making sure that the group can reach its maximum potential. You don’t necessarily need to lead the conversation, your members can potentially do that so all you might need to do is step in occasionally and just listen (read the comments). Setting some ground rules cannot hurt as well so members know what is appropriate to post and was is not. Members who cannot comply should be warned and removed if they persist.
Facebook goups do not have to be open to everyone
Remember as well that you can control who is able to join the group. It is important to try to keep spammers away as no one will want to be a part of a group that is nothing but spam. The best way to do that is when someone requests to join a group see how long they have been on Facebook. If they are new chances are good that they are a spammer but this may not always hold true. Questions can be asked of the person and their entry can be denied. You don’t have to open your group to the whole world after all.
Facebook groups have been in existence since 2010 but the ability to brand them is something that happened much more recently. It has become a way to personalize content and with many users news feeds becoming overloaded it is a great way to get your content in front of people who want to see it. This content can be shared and one thing that has been noticed is that pages that have a group associated with them tend to have more engagement on them. If you have a product or service that you want to market or is popular why not create a Facebook group?
If you need help Nicely Done Sites can help you with that and much much more.