COVID-19 And The Importance Of Social Media

During the COVID-19 pandemic you hopefully have a lot of time on your hands as you sit at home in semi-quarantine. It might seem boring but it is better than the alternative of catching the disease. During this time you have probably spent more time on social media than you may normally when you can […]

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Ways That You Can Decrease Your Bandwidth Usage

We hope that all of you reading this are in good health and good cheer and we hope that provides at least a momentary break from the monotony during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since you are stuck at home chances are you are doing a lot more on the Internet than you normally do and you […]

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How COVID-19 Could Change The Tech World?

Here in 2020 our lives have all changed thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. What we considered to be normal is no longer normal and it very well could alter our lives as we go forward. It is quite possible that there could be major changes to our lives, not only as the virus dies out […]

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Are You Using A VPN?

Millions of Americans have been spending more time at home recently and chances are you reading this have as well. Some of you may have been fortunate enough to be able to do your job from home and have not been completely out of luck when it comes to employment during this COVID-19 pandemic. If […]

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Could One Of The Worst Bugs Of The 2000s Be Making A Comeback?

With the COVID-19 pandemic going on there are enough things to worry about and the last thing that you want to have to worry about is a decades old computer virus. Unfortunately that is not the case as the Conficker worm has reemerged and our nation’s healthcare system could be the hardest hit. Conficker The […]

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Why Did Yahoo Fail?

There was a time when Yahoo was the king of the Internet. Users flocked there to begin their journey on the Internet and used their other services religiously. And they had a catchy jingle to boot. You might even know someone who still has a email address. At one point they were the most […]

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WordPress Vulnerabilities: March 2020

We take a lot of precautions when it comes to the safety and security of your website but once we hand off your website to you that burden falls on you to maintain that. Nicely Done Sites offers a maintenance agreement so that we can continue to maintain your website so that it remains as […]

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Can The Weather Affect Your Internet Connection?

The weather can affect your mood. Unless you are an introvert you probably don’t feel quite as well on a rainy day and you feel much happier on a sunny day. That seems to be the same with your Internet connection. While you can still function on a rainy day, have you ever wondered if […]

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Why Is Spam Called Spam?

Do you like spam? Clogging up your email inbox and making you waste time sorting through messages that are meant to waste your time or cause you harm. No, chances are you do not like spam. It is one of the oldest issues when it comes to computers and is perhaps one of the few […]

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