There are most certainly some of you out there that are reading this on a Mac. Macs are great aren’t they, as long as you can afford one? They’re great for video editing, multimedia creation, sound editing, and well, just about everything in general. You don’t have to put up with many of the problems that Windows PCs have to and you’ve probably been told by someone that you won’t get any viruses or any kind of malware on your Mac, right. Wrong.

Apple does little to warn its customers that the notion that their computers can’t get viruses is incorrect, in fact they promote that antivirus software is not needed. Ultimately there are still security holes and flaws not only in the operating system but in the programs that are added on like Flash and JavaScript. Malware like KitM.A and Rootpipe have been two recent examples that have been difficult to fix, in some cases the fix taking nearly a year to complete. And it is only getting worse with malware affecting Macs rising almost exponentially in 2016. Granted there are not as many security threats for Macs as there is with Windows but they do exist.

Why is it that exactly? The easiest explanation is that simply more computer users use Windows-based PCs opposed to Apples. A lot more. For thieves looking for vulnerabilities as a way to steal money or information it is logical that they would go after the larger group of people, figuring they have a higher chance of success in that group. Many thieves are also simply more familiar with Windows than they are with Mac and don’t feel they need to devote the time and resources to not only learn the Mac but to know it well enough to find and exploit vulnerabilities.

Antivirus programs do exist for Macs and it would be a good idea to have one of them installed. Given as stealthy as many malware programs are today you may have a problem on your Mac and not even know it. Just remember, there is not a 100% secure system anywhere in the world. If someone has the time, resources and desire they will find a vulnerability and exploit it.

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