Items Provided by you for a Website Project.
Photos – say, 5, 10, maybe 15 or 25 or more to choose from, best quality you can.
Any logos, letterhead, business cards if you have them-digital or high-quality printed if possible.
A short paragraph of key words that help define and distinguish your niche (for meta keywords in code).
Maybe 4-5 two to three word phrases to do the same as above.
A sentence of maybe 15-20 words describing of your business and niche (meta description – this is often incorporated into the short summary in search results).
The above three things are behind the scenes in the computer code; So we need some paragraphs of text describing your business, policies, approach etc. to intersperse with your photos and graphics.
Hours, estimates, warranty info. Emergency Services, bonding, policies, etc., depending on type of business.
Maybe your suppliers have graphics, brochures, and graphics of material performance, anything to add visual appeal. We can also snag images off the web to supplement what you have.
Testimonials from customers – quotes, names, maybe what city they’re from.
Your contact info. Address, email, phone for setting up your hosting account and registering a name, as well as to put on your site.
Any directories, trade lists, or organizations you belong to. We can try to get some web sites to link to you, like Santa Fe builder’s directory or whatever. Or-this is big-if your friends or colleagues that have complementary businesses have a website, it’d be good to do reciprocal links with them. This is the best way to get found.
Excerpts and/or links of any press you’ve gotten – publication, date, etc.
Best selling items or services, any specials (especially useful with mobile sites such as Google Places and Bing Local).