Prepping For York Robothon With Nicely Done Sites

Recently Freelance York and Nicely Done Sites hosted a robotics event in partnership with local robotics leader York Exponential, who provided one of their collaborative robots as well as robot tech Daniel Heckert. Heckert is one of the primary organizers of the upcoming York Robothon program, which this event was preparing for.

The York Robothon program will bring together outgoing 8th and 9th grade students from the Edgar Fahs Smith STEAM Academy in York City as well as participants from the YMCA to work in teams to learn about robotics. Participants will receive basic training about working with robots and then will be separated into three teams to solve real world problems faced by local businesses. The goal is to educate the youth of York about the important role that robots play in society, their potential and to promote teamwork.

Heckert gave a demonstration to the mentorship group at Freelance York similar to what will be given to the Robothon attendees during the first week of Robothon. The program begins on July 8 and lasts for four weeks. It will culminate with an event in downtown York where the participants will present their solutions to a panel of local business leaders. This Capstone Event will be open to the public and held on August 3 where the participant’s projects will be judged and awards will be presented.

Sponsorship and volunteer opportunities are still available for anyone interested. More information can be found at or by contacting Daniel Heckert at [email protected]. Don’t forget to follow us on social media to check out what is going on at the York Robothon as well!

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