Why should you regularly update your SEO strategy? More often than you think

Getting into the top of a search engine ranking can be an arduous process. We are sure that once there you would also like to keep that ranking, especially if you now occupy the top spot. Like any champion in any sport occupying that spot now places a bullseye squarely on your back. You competitors are not going to stop trying to overtake you so you need to keep on your toes and keep your SEO updated.

If the above is not reason enough there are others. The most obvious is that Google updates its algorithm regularly, nearly 500 times a year. Think about that, that is more than once a day and it is no different with the other major search engines like Yahoo and Bing. At the very least you would want to stay within their guidelines, lest you be penalized. Just like Google changes its own algorithms chances are you change what your business does. You add services or drop product lines and all of this potentially affect your ranking.

Many of the white hat strategies that worked before will continue to still work like creating fresh content, carefully placed keywords and backlinks. New content means new indexing from the search engine and the more content that is on the page the more opportunities the search engine has to visit the page. Google loves a website that makes frequent updates and with more reliable and valuable information a move up the search engine is likely. Adding a blog to your page is the easiest way to do this (if it hasn’t been done already) since more content means more potential keywords for the indexer to pick up on. Fresh content also increases your authority with Google since content is king. Good content will also produce frequent and loyal followers, which is something that cannot be bought.

Just remember that over half of all search engine users never make it past the third link on the page and one third of all users never go past the first link. Very few go past the first page. If your SEO strategy is not getting you results or even if you are the top search result work will need to be done. These rankings are fluid and can change very quickly, which can affect your bottom line either positively or negatively. If you don’t have the time or don’t believe that you have the skill to move yourself up the rankings (or keep yourself there) there is help. Nicely Done Sites is experienced in SEO optimization and can work with you to get you to where you want to be in the rankings. Let’s face it, if your business is sitting on the second page of search results you have nothing to lose at this point but the business you are not getting.

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