Should you add live chat to your website?

The website that your business has is essentially an extra employee that keeps the storefront open while you go home, hopefully get some time to unwind and get some sleep. The problem is that people who are looking at the products and services offered on your website may have some questions and in today’s competitive […]

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The difference between and

There are a lot of web domains out there, .com, .net, .org, .gov and many more. It is very easy to not realize that the site that you want has a different domain and wind up at a completely different site wondering what the heck just happened and if this has happened to you don’t […]

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Are you utilizing a Facebook Group?

There is an easy way to get your business in front of the right eyes on social media. Sure having a social media presence can get your message out and people will see it but will they really truly see it? Probably not, so why not create a Facebook group to get your message in […]

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The European Union and its new GDPR

Information privacy and how it is treated on the Internet has been in the news a lot. From data breaches to companies selling their customer’s information to data mining scandals like Cambridge Analytica, the privacy of our data and how it is treated on the Information Superhighway has never been more relevant here in the […]

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How to Use Instagram for Business

The Power of Instagram Instagram has allowed us to share photos with the world and is one of the most popular social media sites in the world. Anyone who has a product to sell or services to offer can and should use it. With more than 500 million users it is a potential avenue to […]

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