What Is The California Consumer Privacy Act?

Do you remember GDPR? When GDPR was enacted in the European Union there were a lot of questions and in the time since some of them have been answered. GDPR was the first sweeping legislation that tackled consumer data and what companies can do with that data (and many more things). The world did not […]

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Cyber Security, The Internet Of Things And The Government

In the past decade the Internet of Things has exploded. Cars, your refrigerator, your thermostat and even your vacuum cleaner have been connected to the Internet. It seems like nearly anything can be connected to the Internet nowadays making for an incredibly convenient life. Unfortunately what has been neglected for these devices in many cases […]

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Could Federal Law on data protection be coming

The privacy of our data has been in the news a lot this year. It has brought some of our favorite social media platforms before Congress for hearings with all of the partisan bickering that we have come to expect from our elected officials in Washington. Overshadowed by the Kavanaugh hearings a few weeks ago […]

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California outlawing weak passwords

California has seemingly had a lot of silly laws get implemented over the past few months. Hope you do not expect to get a plastic straw for your drink. There has been one area though that the state has stood out for and that is Internet security. The state legislature has passed some of the […]

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