Why Did Yahoo Fail?

There was a time when Yahoo was the king of the Internet. Users flocked there to begin their journey on the Internet and used their other services religiously. And they had a catchy jingle to boot. You might even know someone who still has a yahoo.com email address. At one point they were the most […]

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How Tech Hurt Us In The 2010s

This past decade saw a lot of great technological developments. You probably know what we’re talking about but it also saw a lot of bad. As with anything you have to take the good with the bad and of course life is not all skittles and rainbows but tech has made our lives miserable in […]

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What Is The California Consumer Privacy Act?

Do you remember GDPR? When GDPR was enacted in the European Union there were a lot of questions and in the time since some of them have been answered. GDPR was the first sweeping legislation that tackled consumer data and what companies can do with that data (and many more things). The world did not […]

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A Look At GDPR One Year In

A little over a year ago the European Union’s sweeping GDPR regulations were released. For some these laws were a sweeping victory for copyright holders in the war against Internet privacy. For others it threatened to take the fun out of the Internet by killing memes and throw it into pandemonium with billions of dollars […]

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Are People Losing Confidence In The Internet?

How much of your life today is spent on the Internet? Probably quite a lot. Certainly much of your personal life is and there is a good bet that your work involves it in one way or another. With so much of your life spent online there is no avoiding putting your own personal information […]

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Can You Get Arrested Because Your Data Was Stolen?

We’ve all read about the number of data breaches that have been plaguing the civilized world. In most cases nothing good comes of it and the amount of hassle that it brings for both companies and individuals who have their information compromised is too much for some people. But on occasion something good comes out […]

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A Good Reason To Change Your Passwords

Do you use the same password for anything that you used a decade ago? Some of you reading this will have certainly raised their hands. We have been over the benefits of secure passwords multiple times but it is also a good idea to change passwords every so often. Do you do that? Probably not […]

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Could jailtime be in store for data breaches?

We have almost become numb when it comes to data breaches. It has seemingly become a nearly everyday thing as one after another after another has a breach and our information is maliciously obtained by people who should not have it. How our data is protected has become a sticky situation and has prompted lawsuits […]

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