What Should You Be Posting On Social Media During COVID-19?

It looks like the light at the end of this COVID-19 tunnel might finally be in sight and that is a good thing for all of us here in Central Pennsylvania. While getting back to what was normal only a few weeks ago may not be possible it appears that the worst of this may […]

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Breaking The Cookie Wall

The holiday season is here once again. When it comes to the holidays, there is one thing that most people can agree on and that is that cookies are delicious. While you may get tired of cookies in the near future there is another set of cookies that you have probably become tired of in […]

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What Do I Need To Do To Secure My Ecommerce Site?

One of the most important considerations regarding an ecommerce website, if not the most important, is the security of the site. In today’s age where it seems like there have been so many data breaches that we’ve become numb to them it may seem like a daunting task to secure a website from malicious actors […]

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Why Isn’t My eCommerce Site Selling Anything?

At Nicely Done Sites we know that an eCommerce website takes a long time to set up. One of the reasons that you set yours up is that you want it to sell your products. It is an employee that does not go to sleep, need a coffee or a bathroom break and is always […]

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What Should A Good eCommerce Site Have?

Creating an eCommerce website is not easy. There are a lot of things that need to be covered (and covered well) and a lot of time that goes into it. It can make designing a normal website seem like child’s play to do it right. So, if you have a brand that you want to […]

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The Internet would not exist as we know it if the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) did not exist. It is in many ways the very beginnings of the net. It was designed by Tim Berners-Lee and his team at CERN in 1989 and it is the protocol that the internet runs on. One thing that […]

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