GDPR And Associations, Non-Profits and 501(C)s

Do you run an Association and/or Non-Profit 501(c) organization? At Nicely Done Sites we have worked with many of these organizations to help build their websites so that they can further their mission. If you are one of these organizations, are you in compliance with GDPR? If you are not, you should be. But Isn’t […]

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Google Is Coming Under Fire

Google has had somewhat of a sterling reputation as a corporation. They have done that by maintaining an impressive security repertoire, which has shielded them from many of the ills that have plagued other businesses and corporations and they have for the most part stayed away from scandal. That has changed in recent months as […]

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Can AI Be An Inventor?

Great innovation only comes through invention. Think about the great inventions of all time, from the wheel to the harnessing of electricity to modern computing. This is the legacy of humans and a great tribute to them. Invention has long been the realm of mankind, until now. AI has now become an inventor, or is […]

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A Look At GDPR One Year In

A little over a year ago the European Union’s sweeping GDPR regulations were released. For some these laws were a sweeping victory for copyright holders in the war against Internet privacy. For others it threatened to take the fun out of the Internet by killing memes and throw it into pandemonium with billions of dollars […]

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First casualties of the EU war on memes

With the proposal of the Copyright Directive as part of sweeping new EU legislation the EU it seems has outlawed memes. While the Copyright Directive is not law yet it has not stopped EU regulators from inflicting the first casualties of what will become the Great Meme War. Opening Salvo Bahnhof, a Swedish Internet service […]

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Killer robots banned by the EU

Robots are all around us and more are coming. They are starting to take over some of the jobs that humans have done from flipping burgers to traffic cops. As the technology improves robots will perform other tasks and one that has been speculated about many times in science fiction or even everyday conversation is […]

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GDPR and some new privacy policies

You may have noticed that you received a lot of email notifications that companies were changing their privacy policies or terms of service. If you have paid attention to the tech world you know that this is in response to the GDPR regulations enacted by the EU on May 25. It may have seemed like […]

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Fallout of the first days of GDPR

With the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) going into effect on May 25 it did not take long for the first complaints to be filed. This should be no surprise, even though Europeans are nowhere near as litigious as us Americans. Among the early targets of these complaints were Facebook, Google, Instagram and WhatsApp (the […]

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Will the GDPR of the EU come to the US?

Now more than ever we need protection for the personal information that we entrust to companies to safeguard on the Internet. Data breaches have been rampant, almost to the point that we just shrug our shoulders and go on about our day. Our personal information has been mined to advertise to us, to try to […]

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