Why You Should Hang Onto An Old Domain Name?

There comes a time when you might rebrand your business or you just have no use for an old web domain. It happens more than you might think. It may seem like a no-brainer way to save some money by releasing the domain name but every so often there is a case that illustrates why […]

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Why Did Yahoo Fail?

There was a time when Yahoo was the king of the Internet. Users flocked there to begin their journey on the Internet and used their other services religiously. And they had a catchy jingle to boot. You might even know someone who still has a yahoo.com email address. At one point they were the most […]

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A Former York-Based Company Entering The Quantum Computer Field

Quantum computing could revolutionize the computing world here in the US. It could make our devices smaller and more powerful meaning we can do more. It is exciting to think about the potential this could offer. This could be what allows us to begin to travel to other planets, create exciting new entertainment options or […]

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Tricking Google

The last thing that you want to see when you are about to head to or from work is a traffic jam on the map on your phone. Now you have to alter your schedule and maybe leave at a different time to arrive on time. But is there really a traffic jam? There might […]

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Removing Fake Reviews

In today’s online world, online reviews are extremely powerful. A business that is reviewed positively will tend to be looked on more positively and will have potential customers at least take a look at them while a business that is reviewed poorly will simply be skipped over. Many people would argue that this is simply […]

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Where is the Most Important City On The Web?

When it comes to the Internet what is the most important place in the world? Is it San Francisco? New York? London? Tokyo? If you guessed any of those it is certainly understandable but it is not. The most important city on the Internet is closer to Nicely Done Sites than you think and you […]

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Introducing Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

Google is facing some serious issues when it comes to dealing with the governments of the United States and the European Union. It has been a bad year for Google that could lead to the company being broken up into smaller companies. While some may cheer that on there are benefits of what Google does […]

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Google Is Coming Under Fire

Google has had somewhat of a sterling reputation as a corporation. They have done that by maintaining an impressive security repertoire, which has shielded them from many of the ills that have plagued other businesses and corporations and they have for the most part stayed away from scandal. That has changed in recent months as […]

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What Is The Best Way To Avoid Being Hacked?

You lock your windows and you lock your doors. Your physical security is a big deal. Is your cyber security as big of a deal? If it is not, it should be. In the past we have detailed some of the tried and true methods to make your accounts online just a little bit safer […]

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What To Do If You Change Your Web Domain

There may come a time when you have to change your web domain name. You could be rebranding or the ownership situation of your company may have changed. Maybe you are taking the business down a whole new path and want a fresh start. You know that everything needs to be changed, from advertising material […]

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