Can you car be hacked?

We’ve probably all seen TV shows where a plot point revolves around someone taking control of a person’s car. It may seem far fetched and something only done in Hollywood but there have been many cases in recent months of this happening. If you think about it though, it really is not that crazy. A […]

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What is an ERP system?

Every business from a Fortune 100 company all the way down to that small one person craft stand at the local market produces a lot of information. Managing all of that information can be daunting and can be what determines a business’ success or failure. It has long been believed that a computer software package […]

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The importance of using real data to make marketing decisions

Information is valuable. Life or death decisions are made over it and when a decision is made with incomplete information the results can be catastrophic. In today’s information age being able to separate real data from fake data is one of the most important things a marketing department has to do. While no one will […]

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