Is It Worth It To Buy Likes And Followers?

Everyone likes to be liked. That is true in real life and it is true on social media as well. When you see someone like what you have done on social media, be it on your personal account or on your business account, it gives you a little bit of a rush just the same […]

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Using The Hashtag On Social Media

We explored what the hashtag is in our last post. Since their primary use comes with social media it is important to know some do’s and don’ts when it comes to their usage. Proper usage can be the difference between excelling with them and wasting your time. When it comes to hashtags, not all social […]

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What Not To Do With Your Credit Card Info Online

At Nicely Done Sites we like to get paid for the work that we put into a project, As a business owner you want to as well. At least we assume that you do, stop us if you don’t. In today’s society more payments are being made by credit card than cash and everyone it […]

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Are People Reading Your Blog? If Not Why Should You Keep It Up?

Keeping a blog on your website up and running can be a time consuming and arduous task. You have to think of a topic, research it, write the piece, proofread it, generate an attention grabbing headline, find an attention grabbing image, optimize the blog piece for SEO and proofread it some more. This takes time […]

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Is 20 Hours Too Long To Be Without Social Media?

No one likes to be without essential services like power or water. For younger generations the Internet can be added to that as well. In most cases people have made the most of the events, like in the New York City Blackout of 1977 when there was a baby boom nine months later. Yes, we […]

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Do We Read Too Much Into Social Media?

Sometimes we can read too much into what goes on on social media. We’ve all been there. Is that Facebook post from an acquaintance trying to subliminally say something? Is your girlfriend using code with someone on Twitter? Is your favorite sports team hinting at something on Instagram? These people know this as well and […]

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