Why Did Yahoo Fail?

There was a time when Yahoo was the king of the Internet. Users flocked there to begin their journey on the Internet and used their other services religiously. And they had a catchy jingle to boot. You might even know someone who still has a yahoo.com email address. At one point they were the most […]

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What Can Good Blog Content Do For Your Website?

What is the first thing that you notice about a website when you first visit it? Chances are you said a graphic of some sort. There is a reason that a graphic is placed above the fold and is the first thing that people see on a website. When you designed your site (or had […]

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How was SEO born?

When the first search engines and websites came online in the early 1990s the order in which search results appeared became incredibly important. As the Internet expanded away from just scientists and the military to the general population this became even more important. It became immediately apparent that whoever appeared at the top of the […]

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The first search engine

What search engine do you use on the Internet? It’s a hot issue and companies like Google and Microsoft have a vested interest in the way that you answer that question. Search Engines have lead companies like Google to great prosperity and have changed the way that we spend our time on the Internet. That […]

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Does a WordPress SEO plugin mean you don’t need an SEO consultant?

Your WordPress website is up and running and it looks nice. To help get you to the top of search engine results you decided to install a SEO (Search Engine Optimization) plugin into WordPress to help you. Now you are on easy street. You won’t need any help with SEO from now on, right? Wrong. […]

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What is SEO?

In the days of yesteryear when one wanted to get a product or service and did not know who to turn to they would open the Yellow Pages and start dialing the telephone until they found what they were looking for or spending the day driving from business to business. Those days have changed. Now […]

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