Best Practices For Online Feedback

When you are looking for a place to do business with or a product to buy, what is the first thing that you look at? Many look at the online feedback, reviews and testimonials. Not only are these helpful for the customer, but they can also be helpful for the company as well! It can […]

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Why are they called trolls?

There are a handful of constants in the Internet when it comes to a message board or comments section. There will inevitably be the person who made $100,000 working from home last year that pops in to promote their pyramid scam, there will be the people who have no idea what is going on but […]

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You’ve got a bad review on social media, now what

If you are in business long enough you are going to have an upset customer. It happens. This can happen for a variety of reasons, some of which are out of your control. With today’s online world many upset customers will take to social media to not only vent their frustration but to warn others […]

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