Is It Worth It To Buy Likes And Followers?

Everyone likes to be liked. That is true in real life and it is true on social media as well. When you see someone like what you have done on social media, be it on your personal account or on your business account, it gives you a little bit of a rush just the same […]

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Using The Hashtag On Social Media

We explored what the hashtag is in our last post. Since their primary use comes with social media it is important to know some do’s and don’ts when it comes to their usage. Proper usage can be the difference between excelling with them and wasting your time. When it comes to hashtags, not all social […]

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What Can Hashtags Do For You?

Undoubtedly you have seen someone on social media use hashtags at some point. If you haven’t just follow Nicely Done Sites or its grand poobah David Brooks and you will. You may have embraced their usage or you may not have. Like with many things they are a great way to promote you or your […]

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Are People Reading Your Blog? If Not Why Should You Keep It Up?

Keeping a blog on your website up and running can be a time consuming and arduous task. You have to think of a topic, research it, write the piece, proofread it, generate an attention grabbing headline, find an attention grabbing image, optimize the blog piece for SEO and proofread it some more. This takes time […]

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Is Regulation Coming To Social Media?

Many of you reading this are on social media, you might even be reading this through social media. Many of you have pages for your business on a social media platform or two. You may have noticed that the tenor of social media has changed in the past few years. People have gotten nastier and […]

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How Can I Get My Content Shared On Social Media?

You have written a good content piece. It has taken you some time to research it, to write it, to proofread it and to format it. You want people to read it so you’ve made sure that it is posted on your social media pages. For websites though that content just doesn’t have much reach […]

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