Will Facebook Be Able To Read Your Mind?

There will come a day when you will be able to control your computer with your mind. It may seem like the realm of Star Trek but this technology is almost a reality. The possibilities of what this can do is almost boundless. Disabled people would have access to any space on the Internet (but […]

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Top Holiday Tech Ideas for 2018

It can be hard to keep up with all of the tech that is not only out now but is new for this holiday season. Whether you would like it for yourself or for someone else it can be quite intimidating. So if you are looking for a holiday gift it help to know what […]

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How we know that men are better navigators

I have gotten lost many times while driving. I don’t use a GPS and I don’t have a smartphone so if I need directions I have to find a wi-fi hotspot, get out the road atlas or swallow my pride and ask someone. Fortunately for me as a guy I have one thing going for […]

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