How Did RFID Get Started?

There is a lot of technology that we use today that we don’t quite know how old it actually is. With the recent passing of Fernando Corbató, who is credited with inventing the computer password America learned that this was over 60 years old. That’s pretty old. We know that computers saw true development during […]

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Colossus and the winning of World War 2

World War 2 was the first war to be fought with the use of computers. Both the Axis and the Allies employed them for use, some more effectively than others, but trial and error proved that modern warfare could not be fought without them. Computers did more than just plot the trajectories of projectiles or […]

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Computers and World War 2

World War II served as perhaps the greatest innovative event of the 20th Century. Jet airplanes, modern weaponry, nuclear technology, and numerous communication technologies had their birth during our planet’s greatest struggle. This includes computers. Computers were introduced to the U.S. Navy on the eve of war for submarines. The computers used trigonometry to help […]

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